Professional training & Know-How Transfer

ICT & Assistive Technologies

ICT und Assistive Technologies form a very broad field. The possibilities and the benefit that come from the use of such technologies is still too little known among stakeholders. Especially occupational groups who work with people with disabilities on a daily basis know much too little about these technologies. In order to change this situation and to further distribute this important knowledge, KI-I's staff members do presentations and lectures at Universities of Applied Sciences, at the Johannes Kepler University or at dedicated education programs, e.g. by the BBRZ or Austria's academy for administrative staff, on a regular basis.


Besides people with learning difficulties, who need Easy-to-Read, there are several other target groups, who also benefit from Easy-to-Read. The KI-I has vast know-how in this field and offers individually tailored courses for key personnel and management of facilities, migrant organisations and other organisations. In addition the KI-I offers seminars in Easy-to-Read about Easy-to-Read, an innovative education program that directly targets people with learning difficulties.


The adequate questioning of people with learning disabilities is a special challenge and has several sources for error. Proqualis counteracts these sources by using Easy-to-Read and by doing peer-to-peer interviews. The questioning by peers enhances the quality of the answers and lowers the error rate. This is due to the symmetry of the persons present at the interview and also because there is no positional or functional authority.

The quality-evaluators at Proqualis have broad and well-founded knowledge about the questioning of people with disabilities. To help other research facilities and organisations, as well as university institutes and facilities of the "OÖ Behindertenhilfe", the evaluators of Proqualis distribute their expert knowledge and their experience in seminars. In addition they take over the questioning for other organisations, in order to give them the advantages of the peer-to-peer questioning.

Apart from knowledge transfer and peer-to-peer questioning, Proqualis also offers supervised optimisation and development of surveying methods, which are dedicated to the questioning of people with disabilities.