In these turbulent and sometimes also difficult times, we are all the more pleased to receive good news.
The competence network KI-I was awarded the SPECIAL PRIZE 2020 for Upper Austria in the context of the "Austrian Leading Company Awards" for outstanding entrepreneurial achievements in the integration of people with disabilities into working life.
With this award, KI-I joins the list of other renowned prize winners of recent years, such as Merkur Warenhandels AG, Trumpf Österreich, Zotter Schokoladen or Sonnentor.
The KI-I has developed into a respected and important innovation hub in the areas of accessibility, peer consulting, customer surveys and technology for people with disabilities and older people.
These awards for KI-I are due to the employees of KI-I for their great achievements. It is the achievements of the KI-I staff that make the KI-I so unique.